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En Pfizer consideramos a la Investigación Clínica parte crucial de nuestro quehacer diario para llevar productos innovadores que van a mejorar la calidad y expectativa de vida de los pacientes. "Consulte a su médico"

Ensayos ClínicosHere you can order the MYCLIC pre-filled pen attachment recommended by your doctor. The reusable attachment for the MYCLIC pre-filled pen facilitates the handling of this pen.Conocer másInvestigación ClínicaHere you can order the MYCLIC pre-filled pen attachment recommended by your doctor. The reusable attachment for the MYCLIC pre-filled pen facilitates the handling of this pen.Conocer másEl Valor de un MedicamentoHere you can order the MYCLIC pre-filled pen attachment recommended by your doctor. The reusable attachment for the MYCLIC pre-filled pen facilitates the handling of this pen.Conocer másFarmacovigilanciaHere you can order the MYCLIC pre-filled pen attachment recommended by your doctor. The reusable attachment for the MYCLIC pre-filled pen facilitates the handling of this pen.Conocer más
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